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Academic Bibliography for Public Housing in Singapore


1. Conceptual and Historical Contexts




Chee, L. “The Public Private Interior: Constructing the Modern Domestic Interior in Singapore’s Public Housing.” In The Handbook of Interior Architecture and Design, Graeme Brooker and Lois Weinthal, eds. (London: Bloomsbury, 2013), 199-212.


Chee, L. “Flat Living: In Pursuit of Singapore’s Public Housing.” In 1000 Singapores: A Model  of the Compact City, Khoo Peng Beng, Belinda Huang, Erik G. L’Heureux and Florian Schaetz, eds. (Singapore: Singapore Institute of Architects, 2010), 189-201.


Jacobs, J. M. “A Geography of Big Things”, Cultural Geographies 13, no 1 (2006): 1-27, DOI: 10.1191/1474474006eu354oa.


Koolhaas, R. and Mau, B. Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large: Office for Metropolitan Architecture (Rotterdam: O10 Publishers, 1995).


Powell, R. ‘Fragments of a Postmodern Landscape’, in Postmodern Singapore, edited by William S. W. Lim (Singapore: Select Publishing, 2002).




Field, B. “Public Housing in Singapore”, Landuse Policy 4, no. 2 (1987): 147-156.


Lim, W. S. W. “A Tale of the Unexpected: The Singapore Housing Experience”, Habitat International 12, no. 2 (1988): 27-34.


Loh, K. S. “Conflict and Change at the Margins: Emergency Kampong Clearance and the Making of Modern Singapore”, Asian Studies Reiew 33, no. 2 (2009): 139-159, DOI: 10.1080/10357820902923258

Pugh, C. “Housing in Singapore: The Effective Ways of the Unorthodox”, Environment and Behavior 19, no. 3 (1987): 311-330, DOI: 10.1177/0013916587193004.


Sim, L. L., Lim, L. Y. and Tay, K. P. “Shelter For All: Singapore’s Strategy for Full Home Ownership by the Year 2000”, Habitat International 17, no. 1 (1993): 85-102.


2. Social Issues




Addae-Dapaah, K. “Age Segregation and the Quality of Life of the Elderly People in Studio Apartments”, Journal of Housing for the Elderly 22, no. 1-2 (2008): 127-161.


Cheung, P. P. L., Ngiam, T., Vasoo, S. and Chan, Y. “Social Support Networks for the Elderly in a High-Rise Public Housing Estate in Singapore”, in Social Services and Ageing Policies in the U. S. and Asia: Presentations, Asia-U. S. Conference on Social Services and Aging Policies, edited by Harold L. E. Sheppard (Florida: International Exchange Center on Gerontology, University of South Florida, 1991).


Harrison, J. D. “Housing for the Ageing Population of Singapore”, Ageing International 23, no. 3-4 (1997): 32-48.


Mehta, K., Osman, M. M. and Lee, A. E. Y. “Living Arrangements of the Elderly in Singapore: Cultural Norms in Transition”, Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology 10 (1995): 113-143.


Teo, P. “Space to Grow Old in: The Availability of Public Spaces for Elderly Persons in Singapore”, Urban Studies 34, no. 3 (1997): 419-439, DOI: 10.1080/0042098976050


Gender, Sexuality, ‘Alternative’ Families


Oswin, N. “The Modern Model Family at Home in Singapore: a Queer Geography”, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 35, no. 2 (2010): 256-268, DOI: 10.1111/j.1475-5661.2009.00379.x


Phua, L. and Yeoh, B. S. A. “Everyday Negotiations: Women’s Spaces and the Public Housing Landscape in Singapore”, Australian Geographer 29, no. 3: 309-329, DOI: 10.1080/00049189808703226.


Teo, P. “Singapore’s Widows and Widowers: Back of the Heart of the Family”, in Embodied Geographies: Spaces, Bodies and Rites of Passages, edited by Elizabeth Kenworthy Teather, (New York: Routledge, 1999).


Teo, P. and Mehta, K. “Participating in the Home: Widows Cope in Singapore”, Journal of Ageing Studies 15 (2001): 127-144.


Wong, T., Yeoh, B. S. A., Graham, E. F., and Teo, P. “Spaces of Silence: Single Parenthood and the ‘Normal Family’ in Singapore”, Population, Space and Place 10, no. 1 (2004): 43-58.


Ethnic/Racial issues


Sim, L. L., Yu, S. M. and Han, S. S. “Public Housing and Ethnic Integration in Singapore”, Habitat International 27, no. 2 (2003): 293-307.


Sin, C. H. “The Politics of Ethnic Integration in Singapore: Malay ‘Regrouping’ as an Ideological Construct”, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 27, no. 3 (2003): 527-544, DOI: 10.1111/1468-2427.00465


Lower income


Sin, C. H. “Segregation and Marginalization within Public Housing: The Disadvantage in Bedok New Town Singapore”, Housing Studies 17, no. 2 (2002): 267-288, DOI: 10.1080/02673030220123225.


3. Engineering the Nation


Comfort and liveability


Jacobs, J. M and Cairns, S. “The Modern Touch: Interior Design and Modernization in Post-Independence Singapore”, Environment and Planning A 40, no. 3 (2008): 572-595.


Loh, C. T. Designed for Living: Public Housing Architecture in Singapore (Singapore: Housing and Development Board, 1984).


Wong, A. K. and Yeh, S. H. K. Housing a Nation: 25 Years of Public Housing in Singapore, (Singapore: Maruzen Asia, Housing Development Board, 1985).


Yuen, B. Yeh, A., Appold, S. J., Earl, G., Ting, J., Kwee, L. K. “Highrise Living in Singapore Public Housing”, Urban Studies 43, no. 3 (2006): 583-600, DOI: 10.1080/00420980500533133.


Yuen, B. “Romancing the Highrise in Singapore”, Cities 22, no. 1 (2004): 3-13, DOI: 10.1016/j.cities.2004.10.002.


Social Engineering


Appold, S. and Yuen B. “Families in Flats, Revisited”, Urban Studies 44, no. 3 (2007): 569-589, DOI: 10.1080/00420980601131860.


Goh, R. B. H. “Things to a Void: Utopian Discourse, Communality and Constructed Interstices in Singapore Public Housing”, in Theorizing the Southeast Asian City as Text: Landscapes, Cultural Documents, and Interpretive Experiences, edited by Robbie B. H. Goh and Brenda S. A. Yeoh (Singapore: World Scientific, 2003).


Law, L. Wee, C. J. W. L. and McMullan, F. “Screening Singapore: The Cinematic Landscape of Eric Khoo’s Be With Me”. Geographical Research 49, no. 4 (2011): 363-374.


Ooi, G. L. and Tan, T. T. W. “‘The Social Significance of Public Spaces in Public Housing Estates”, in Public Space: Design, Use and Management, edited by Beng-Huat Chua and Norman Edwards (Singapore: Singapore University Press, 1992).


Tajudeen, I. “Imposing Utopia: Contending Narratives of Singapore’s Public Housing”, Traditional Dwelling and Settlements Review 22, no. 1 (2010): 37.


Tan, S. and B. S. A. Yeoh “Negotiating Cosmopolitanism in Singapore’s Fictional Landscape”, in Cosmopolitan Urbanism, edited by Jon Binnie, Julian Holloway, Steve Millington and Craig Young (New York: Routledge, 2006).


Teo, Y. “Shaping the Singapore Family, Producing State and Society”, Economy and Society 39, no. 3 (2010): 337-359, DOI: 10.1080/03085147.2010.486215.


Teo, Y. “Support for Deserving Families: Inventing the Anti-Welfare Familialist State in Singapore”, Social Politics 0 (2013): 1-20, DOI: 10.1093/sp/jxt004.


Tremenwan, C. The Political Economy of Social Control in Singapore (New York: St. Martin’s Press; Houdmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Macmillan, 1994).


Wang, J. “The Developmental State in the Global Hegemony of Neoliberalism: A New Strategy for Public Housing in Singapore”, Cities 29 (2012): 369-378, DOI: 10.1016/j.cities.2011.11.004


Politics and Nationalism


Chua, B. H. “Not Depoliticized but Ideologically Successful: the Public Housing Programme in Singapore”, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 15, no. 1 (1991): 24-41, DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-2427.1991.tb00681.x.


Chua, B. H. “Public Housing Residents as Clients of the State”, Housing Studies 15, no. 1 (2000): 45-60, DOI: 10.1080/02673030082469.


Chua, B. H. Political Legitimacy and Housing: Stakeholding in Singapore (New York: Routledge, 1997).


Goh, R. B. H. “Ideologies of ‘Upgrading’ in Singapore Public Housing: Post-Modern Style, Globalization and the Class Construction in the Built Environment”, Urban Studies 39, No. 9 (2001): 1589-1604.


Kong, L. “In Search of Permanent Homes: Singapore’s House Churches and the Politics of Space”, Urban Studies 39, no. 9 (2002): 1573-1586.


Ooi, G. L. “National Identity, Public Housing and Conservation in Singapore”, Habitat International 18, no. 2 (1994): 71-80.


Teo, S. (2014) “Political Tool or Quality Experience? Urban Livability and the Singaporean State’s Glocal City Aspirations”, Urban Geography 35, no. 5 (2014), DOI:10.1080/02723638.2014.924233


Yeoh, B. S. A. “Street-Naming and Nation-building: Toponymic Inscriptions of Nationhood in Singapore”, Area 28, no 3 (1997): 298-307.


4. Urban conviviality


Chan, Y. K. “Kopitiams in Singapore: Consuming Politics”, Asian Survey 53, No. 5 (2013): 979-1003.


Lai, A. E. “A Neighbourhood in Singapore: Ordinary People’s Lives ‘Downstairs’”, Asia Research Institute Working Paper Series, No. 113 (2009), accessible via:


Pomeroy, J. “Home at the Top: the Roof as an Alternative Habitable/Social Space in the Singapore Context”, Journal of Urban Design 17, No. 3 (2012): 213-424.


Yeo, S. J. and Heng, C. K. “An (Extra)ordinary Night Out: Urban Informality, Social Sustainability and the Night-time Economy”, Urban Studies 51, No. 14 (2014): 712-726.

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